home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 1997-09-23 | 80.9 KB | 3,749 lines |
- ;
- ; Symantec Installer Version: 4.2
- ; Platform: 16-bit
- ; Purpose: Install ACT! 3.0 for Windows - Trial Size
- ;
- ; Switches:
- ;
- ; *** 1 to 8 - reserved for Country versions
- ; 1 - Australia/Asia country version
- ; 2 - Canadian country version
- ; 3 - European country version
- ; 4 - Latin American country version
- ; 5 - United Kingdom country version
- ; 6 - United States country version
- ;
- ;
- ; 9 - Online Registration switch
- ; - TRUE if US|Latin American|Canada
- ; 10 - Is file in use?
- ; 11 - Is ACT! 2.0 running?
- ; 12 - Is ACT! 3.0 running?
- ; 13 - previous version search
- ; 14 - CheckDiskSpace
- ; 17 - VerifyIni (used after Copy())
- ;
- ; 16 to
- ; 17 - exists(oldAct)? (used before Copy())
- ; - temp switch
- ; - used before Copy()
- ; 15 - Act1x exists?
- ; 19 - Act2x exists?
- ; 20 - Act3x exists?
- ; 21 - LiveUpdate exists?
- ;
- ; 22 - Is Windows 95? (NOT)
- ; 23 - Is Windows NT? (NOT)
- ; 24 - Is Win32s? (NOT)
- ; 25 - Is Windows NT 4.0? (NOT)
- ;
- ; 26 to 28 - Tapi
- ; 30 - first run switch (Move Data Panel)
- ; 31 - Previous version found
- ; 32 to 35 - Move Data Panel
- ;
- ; 38 - Was Move Data Panel processed?
- ; 39 - Was Install Summary Panel processed?
- ;
- ; 40 - Is Windows 95 or NT 4.0?
- ; 41 - Is Windows NT?
- ; 42 - Is Windows 3.1?
- ; 43 - Is Windows NT 4.0?
- ; 44 - Win NT 4.0 or Win 95
- ; 45 - Win NT 4.0 or 3.51
- ;
- ; 47 to 49 - used for Win32s installation
- ;
- ; 50 - first run swith (Component Select Panel)
- ; *** 51 to 90 - ACT! Component Select Panel
- ; * may be used after "Set Install Switch" section
- ;
- ; 91 - first run swith (Installation Type Panel)
- ; *** 92 to 94 - ACT! Installation Type Panel
- ;
- ; *** 95 to 96 - DiskSpaceError
- ; 97 - Reboot? (Finish Data Panel)
- ; 98 - Restart? (Finish Data Panel)
- ; 99 - Continue? (Finish Data Panel)
- ;
- ; Target:
- ;
- ; 0 - root destination folder
- ; 1 to 4 - other folders
- ; 5 - Symantec shared folder
- ; 6 - Symantec LiveUpdate folder
- ;
- ; 12 to 19 - ACT! Move Data Panel
- ;
- [WindowsVersion]
- 3.1
- "ACT! 3.0 requires Windows NT/95"
- [InstallVersion]
- 4.2
- [CompressionChars]
- LZW = "8"
- ZIP = "9"
- [Process]
- SetNumberOfTargets(50)
- EnableCheckDiskSpaceEx()
- ;EnableForceWrite() ; Force installed files to have read/write rights
- ;EnableOverWrite() ; Force read-only files to be overwritten
- ;EnableUpperCase() ; Install files with short part in uppercase
- EnableOverWrite()
- EnableUpperCase()
- AllowIntlChars()
- ;DisableHelp()
- ; *** Delete old installer files
- MakeFilesReadWrite(delOldInstallDlls)
- MakeFilesReadWrite(delNewInstallDlls)
- MakeFilesReadWrite(delIsNT40Exe)
- MakeFilesReadWrite(delSToLfnExe)
- Delete(delOldInstallDlls)
- Delete(delNewInstallDlls)
- Delete(delIsNT40Exe)
- Delete(delSToLfnExe)
- ;BitMaps(DisplayBackground)
- ; *** Save installer files onto user drive
- Backup(bakNewInstallDlls)
- ; *** Initialize Memory
- CallProcEx(LoadMe)
- ; *** Upgrade installation?
- switch9 = FALSE
- ; *** Check Windows version number
- switch40 = FALSE ;Win95
- switch41 = FALSE ;WinNT 3.51
- switch42 = FALSE ;Win 32s
- switch43 = FALSE ;WinNT 4.0
- switch44 = FALSE ;WinNT 4.0 or 95
- switch45 = FALSE ;WinNT 4.0 or 3.51
- switch40 = CallProcEx(IsWindow95)
- switch41 = CallProcEx(IsWindowNT)
- switch47 = FALSE ; is not fdd install
- #if (switch40)
- switch44 = TRUE
- ; Backup(bakReg95)
- #else
- #if (switch41)
- Backup(bakIsNT40Exe)
- switch45 = TRUE
- switch43 = CallProcEx(IsWinNT40)
- #if (switch43) ;NT 4.0
- switch41 = FALSE
- switch44 = TRUE
- #endif
- MakeFilesReadWrite(delIsNT40Exe)
- Delete(delIsNT40Exe)
- #else
- switch46 = Exists(xstMidwayFile)
- #if (switch46)
- switch42 = TRUE ; continue installing
- #else
- MessageBox(msgBadWinVer)
- goto(EndInstall)
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- ; *** Is ACT! 3.0 running?
- switch12=CallProcEx(IsAct30Running)
- ;#If running, ask to close and exit
- #if (switch12)
- MessageBox(msgACT30Running)
- goto(EndInstall)
- #endif
- ; *** Is ACT! 2.0.x running?
- switch11 = CallProcEx(IsAct20Running)
- #if (switch11)
- MessageBox(msgACT20Running)
- goto( EndInstall )
- #endif
- ;*** set first run switches
- switch30 = TRUE
- switch50 = TRUE
- switch91 = TRUE
- switch38 = FALSE ;Copy Data not yet processed
- switch39 = FALSE ;Install Summary not yet processed
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;--------- *** Welcome *** ----------
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;WizardPanel(WelcomePanel, siwact16.dll)
- WizardPanel(TWelcomePanel, siwact16.dll)
- WizardProcessPanel()
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;--------- *** License *** ----------
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- WizardPanel(LicensePanel, siwact16.dll)
- WizardProcessPanel()
- ; *** Disable Utilities
- DisableUtils()
- ; *** Set the Copy section name
- #if (switch42)
- SetActiveCopy( ACT16Copy, install.inf)
- #else
- SetActiveCopy( ACT32Copy, install.inf)
- #endif
- ; *** set default TARGET location
- ResetTarget(rstDefault)
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;--------- *** Specify Location *** ----------
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- WizardPanel(SpecifyLocation, siwact16.dll)
- WizardProcessPanel()
- ; *** convert short filename to long filename
- ;Backup(bakSToLfnExe)
- CallProcEx(stolfnTarget)
- ;MakeFilesReadWrite(delSToLfnExe)
- ;Delete(delSToLfnExe)
- ; *** Check if installing over ACT! 2.x version ***
- switch16=Exists(xstChkACT2x)
- #if (switch16)
- switch16 = FALSE
- ;*!!! Change this dialog box !!!*
- switch17=CallProcEx(dlgOldACTExist)
- #if (switch17)
- WizardGotoPanel(SpecifyLocation)
- #else
- ;~~~ * TARGET is ACT! 2.x folder * ~~~
- switch16 = TRUE
- ;* disable the Copy Data Panel
- switch31 = FALSE
- ;* sets the target for default country
- ResetTarget(rstTarget32)
- #endif
- #endif
- ; *** Set Copy Data Panel targets ***
- ; set targets only if TARGET folder is not ACT! 2.x folder
- #ifnot (switch16)
- ; *** Check if ACT! 2.x exists ***
- switch19 = CallProcEx(srchAct2x)
- #else
- switch19 = TRUE
- #endif
- #if (switch19)
- #ifnot (switch16)
- ;switch31 = TRUE
- switch31 = FALSE
- #endif
- ; CallProcEx(setMoveDataFrom2)
- CallProc(setMoveDataFrom2)
- #else
- ; *** Check if ACT! 1.x exists ***
- switch15 = CallProcEx(srchAct1x)
- #if (switch15)
- ; * enable Copy Data Panel
- switch31 = TRUE
- ; CallProcEx(setMoveDataFrom1)
- CallProc(setMoveDataFrom1)
- #else
- switch31 = FALSE
- #endif
- #endif
- ; *** Check if Target is Network Drive
- ; CallProcEx(IsNetDrive)
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;--------- *** Install Type *** ----------
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ; Custom ACT! installation Type Wizard panel.
- #if (switch91)
- switch91 = FALSE
- switch92 = TRUE
- switch93 = FALSE
- switch94 = FALSE
- ; Set country switches - set a default
- switch1 = FALSE ; Australisa/Asia
- switch2 = FALSE ; Canada
- switch3 = FALSE ; Europe
- switch4 = FALSE ; Latin America
- switch5 = FALSE ; UK
- switch6 = TRUE ; United States
- #endif
- ; Set the default country version
- CallProcEx( GetCountryVersion )
- ;WizardPanel(ACTInstallType, siwact16.dll)
- ;WizardIncludePanel(ACTCompSel)
- ;WizardIncludePanel(MoveData)
- ;WizardProcessPanel()
- ;* reset package switches if Typical Install
- #if (switch92)
- switch50 = TRUE
- #endif
- switch38 = FALSE ;reset Copy Data Panel switch
- switch39 = FALSE ;reset Install Summary Panel switch
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;--------- *** Select Components *** ----------
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;* set package switches
- #if (switch50)
- ; set switches only if first run
- switch50=FALSE
- switch51=TRUE ;*** Application
- switch52=TRUE ;** AppSys
- switch53=TRUE ;* ActApp
- switch54=TRUE ;* ActPTP
- switch55=TRUE ;* AppFilter
- switch56=TRUE ;* LiveUpdate
- switch57=TRUE ;* QTourDBSetup
- #if (switch42)
- switch90=TRUE ;* Tapi - ENabled if Win32s
- switch13=TRUE ;* Default to not installed -> enabled by yc
- #else
- switch90=FALSE
- switch13=FALSE
- #endif
- switch58=TRUE ;** AppHelp
- switch86=FALSE ;* Setup disabled by default
- switch59=TRUE ;*** WordProcessor
- switch60=TRUE ;** ActWordProc
- switch61=TRUE ;* ActWP
- switch62=TRUE ;* Dictionary
- switch63=TRUE ;* WPFilter
- switch64=TRUE ;* WPHelp
- switch65=TRUE ;** ActWPWord
- switch66=TRUE ;* WPWord
- switch67=TRUE ;* WPWordMacro
- switch68=TRUE ;** ActWPWP
- switch69=TRUE ;* WPWordPerfect
- switch70=TRUE ;* WPWPTemplate
- switch71=TRUE ;* WPWPMacro
- switch72=TRUE ;*** Mail
- switch73=FALSE ;** ActMail
- switch74=TRUE ;** CServe
- switch87=TRUE ;* CServeExe
- switch88=TRUE ;* CServeScr
- switch75=TRUE ;** ccMail
- switch76=TRUE ;** LotusMail
- switch77=TRUE ;** MSExchange
- switch78=TRUE ;*** ACTFiles
- switch79=TRUE ;** Calendar
- switch80=TRUE ;** Template
- switch81=TRUE ;** Layout
- switch82=TRUE ;** Envelope
- switch83=TRUE ;** Label
- switch84=TRUE ;** DemoDbf
- switch85=TRUE ;** Report
- switch89=TRUE ;** ImportMap
- #endif
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;--------- *** Component Select Panel *** ---------
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- switch38 = FALSE ;reset Copy Data Panel switch
- switch39 = FALSE ;reset Install Summary Panel switch
- ;WizardPanel(ACTCompSel, siwact16.dll)
- ; --- run only if "Custom" install is selected
- ;#if (switch94)
- ; WizardProcessPanel()
- ;#else
- ; WizardExcludePanel(ACTCompSel)
- ; #if (switch38)
- ; WizardGotoPanel(ACTInstallType)
- ; #endif
- ;#endif
- ;*** Select/Deselect the Components
- #ifnot (switch51) ;*** Application
- DeselectOption(AppSys)
- DeselectOption(AppHelp)
- #else
- switch86 = TRUE
- #ifnot (switch52) ;** AppSys
- DeselectOption(AppSys)
- #else
- SelectOption(AppSys)
- #ifnot (switch53) ;* ActApp
- DeselectOption(ActApp)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch54) ;* ActPTP
- DeselectOption(ActPTP)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch55) ;* AppFilter
- DeselectOption(AppFilter)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch56) ;* LiveUpdate
- DeselectOption(LiveUpdate)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch57) ;* QTourDbSetup
- DeselectOption(QTourDbSetup)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch90) ;* Tapi
- DeselectOption(Tapi)
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch58) ;** AppHelp
- DeselectOption(AppHelp)
- #else
- SelectOption(AppHelp)
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch59) ;*** WordProcessor
- DeselectOption(ActWordProc)
- DeselectOption(ActWPWord)
- DeselectOption(ActWPWP)
- #else
- switch86 = TRUE
- #ifnot (switch60) ;** ActWordProc
- DeselectOption(ActWordProc)
- #else
- SelectOption(ActWordProc)
- #ifnot (switch61) ;* ActWP
- DeselectOption(ActWP)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch62) ;* Dictionary
- DeselectOption(Dictionary)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch63) ;* WPFilter
- DeselectOption(WPFilter)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch64) ;* WPHelp
- DeselectOption(WPHelp)
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch65) ;** ActWPWord
- DeselectOption(ActWPWord)
- #else
- SelectOption(ActWPWord)
- ; #ifnot (switch66) ;* WPWord
- ; DeselectOption(WPWord)
- ; #endif
- ; #ifnot (switch67) ;* WPWordMacro
- ; DeselectOption(WPWordMacro)
- ; #endif
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch68) ;** ActWPWP
- DeselectOption(ActWPWP)
- #else
- SelectOption(ActWPWP)
- ; #ifnot (switch69) ;* WPWordPerfect
- ; DeselectOption(WPWordPerfect)
- ; #endif
- ; #ifnot (switch70) ;* WPWPTemplate
- ; DeselectOption(WPWPTemplate)
- ; #endif
- ; #ifnot (switch71) ;* WPWPMacro
- ; DeselectOption(WPWPMacro)
- ; #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch72) ;*** Mail
- DeselectOption(ActMail)
- DeselectOption(CServe)
- DeselectOption(ccMail)
- DeselectOption(LotusMail)
- DeselectOption(MSExchange)
- #else
- switch86 = TRUE
- #ifnot (switch73) ;** ActMail
- DeselectOption(ActMail)
- ; #else
- ; SelectOption(ActMail)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch74) ;** CServe
- DeselectOption(CServeExe)
- DeselectOption(CServeScr)
- #else
- SelectOption(CServe)
- #ifnot (switch87) ;* CServeExe
- DeselectOption(CServeExe)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch88) ;* CServeScr
- DeselectOption(CServeScr)
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch75) ;** ccMail
- DeselectOption(ccMail)
- #else
- SelectOption(ccMail)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch76) ;** LotusMail
- DeselectOption(LotusMail)
- #else
- SelectOption(LotusMail)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch77) ;** MSExchange
- DeselectOption(MSExchange)
- #else
- SelectOption(MSExchange)
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch78) ;*** ACTFiles
- DeselectOption(Calendar)
- DeselectOption(Template)
- DeselectOption(Layout)
- DeselectOption(Envelope)
- DeselectOption(Label)
- DeselectOption(DemoDbf)
- DeselectOption(Report)
- DeselectOption(ImportMap)
- #else
- switch86 = TRUE
- #ifnot (switch79) ;** Calendar
- DeselectOption(Calendar)
- #else
- SelectOption(Calendar)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch80) ;** Template
- DeselectOption(Template)
- #else
- SelectOption(Template)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch81) ;** Layout
- DeselectOption(Layout)
- #else
- SelectOption(Layout)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch82) ;** Envelope
- DeselectOption(Envelope)
- #else
- SelectOption(Envelope)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch83) ;** Label
- DeselectOption(Label)
- #else
- SelectOption(Label)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch84) ;** DemoDbf
- DeselectOption(DemoDbf)
- #else
- SelectOption(DemoDbf)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch85) ;** Report
- DeselectOption(Report)
- #else
- SelectOption(Report)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch89) ;** ImportMap
- DeselectOption(ImportMap)
- #else
- SelectOption(ImportMap)
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch42)
- switch13=FALSE ;Auto upgrade is always disabled under win 95/NT
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch13)
- DeselectOption(AutoUpgrade)
- DeselectOption(AUSetup)
- DeselectOption(AUActApp)
- DeselectOption(AUAct32)
- DeselectOption(AULiveUpdate)
- DeselectOption(AUQTourDBSetup)
- DeselectOption(AUWPWord)
- DeselectOption(AUWPWordMacro)
- DeselectOption(AUActPTP)
- DeselectOption(AUAppFilter)
- #else
- switch86=TRUE
- SelectOption(AutoUpgrade)
- SelectOption(AUSetup)
- #ifnot (switch53)
- DeselectOption(AUActApp)
- DeselectOption(AUAct32)
- #else
- SelectOption(AUActApp)
- SelectOption(AUAct32)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch55)
- DeselectOption(AUAppFilter)
- #else
- SelectOption(AUAppFilter)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch56)
- DeselectOption(AULiveUpdate)
- #else
- SelectOption(AULiveUpdate)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch57)
- DeselectOption(AUQTourDBSetup)
- #else
- SelectOption(AUQTourDBSetup)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch59)
- DeselectOption(AUWPWord)
- DeselectOption(AUWPWordMacro)
- #else
- SelectOption(AUWPWord)
- SelectOption(AUWPWordMacro)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch54)
- DeselectOption(AUActPTP)
- #else
- SelectOption(AUActPTP)
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch86) ;*** Setup
- DeselectOption(Setup)
- #else
- SelectOption(Setup)
- #endif
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- switch14=CheckDiskSpace(TARGET)
- #ifnot (switch14)
- ; DiskSpaceError(dskErrTypical)
- ; switch14 = TRUE
- ; #if (switch96)
- ; switch94 = TRUE
- ; WizardGotoPanel(ACTCompSel)
- ; #endif
- MessageBox( msgTDiskSpaceError )
- WizardGotoPanel(SpecifyLocation)
- #endif
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;--------- *** Move Data Panel *** ---------
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- switch38 = TRUE ;reset Copy Data Panel switch
- switch39 = FALSE ;reset Install Summary Panel switch
- #if (switch30)
- switch32 = TRUE
- switch33 = TRUE
- switch34 = TRUE
- switch35 = TRUE
- ;** The data options are deselected by default if Act3CopiedDb
- ;** key is found in either ACTWIN2.INI or ACTWIN.INI.
- switch17 = FALSE
- #if (switch15)
- switch17 = CallProcEx(chkAct1DbfCopied)
- #endif
- #if (switch19)
- switch17 = CallProcEx(chkAct2DbfCopied)
- #endif
- #if (switch17)
- switch32 = FALSE
- switch33 = FALSE
- switch34 = FALSE
- switch35 = FALSE
- #endif
- #endif
- switch30 = FALSE
- ;WizardPanel(MoveData, siwact16.dll)
- ;#if (switch31)
- ; ; * set the Copy Data target folders
- ; ResetTarget(rstOldDbf)
- ; ResetTarget(rstOldDoc)
- ; ResetTarget(rstOldTpl)
- ; ResetTarget(rstOldRep)
- ; WizardProcessPanel()
- ; switch14=CheckDiskSpace(TARGET)
- ; #ifnot (switch14)
- ; MessageBox(msgCopyData)
- ; switch14 = TRUE
- ; WizardGotoPanel(MoveData)
- ; #endif
- ;#else
- ; WizardExcludePanel()
- ; #if (switch39)
- ; WizardGotoPanel(ACTCompSel)
- ; #endif
- ;#endif
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;--------- *** Installation Summary Panel *** ---------
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- switch39 = TRUE ;Install Summary processed
- WizardPanel(InstallSummary, siwact16.dll)
- WizardIncludePanel(ACTCompSel)
- WizardIncludePanel(MoveData)
- WizardProcessPanel()
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set Installation Switches Section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;CallProcEx(BusyCursor)
- CallProc(BusyCursor)
- ;* Disable LiveUpdate & Setup components for Win32s
- ;#if (switch42)
- ; switch56=FALSE
- ; switch86=FALSE
- ;#endif
- ;* TRUE -> do not install
- ;* set defaults for switches used in disks.inf
- switch22=TRUE ;Win 95
- switch23=TRUE ;Win NT 3.51
- switch24=TRUE ;Win 32s
- switch25=TRUE ;Win NT 4.0
- ;* if Win95
- #if (switch40)
- switch22=FALSE ;is Win 95
- #endif
- ;* if WinNT 3.51
- #if (switch41)
- switch23 = FALSE ;NT 3.51
- #endif
- ;* if WinNT 4.0
- #if (switch43)
- switch25 = FALSE ;NT 4.0
- #endif
- ;* if Win32s
- #if (switch42)
- switch24=FALSE ;is Win32s
- switch26=Exists(xstAtspHlp)
- switch27=Exists(xstAtsptsp)
- switch28=Exists(xstAtspexeExe)
- #endif
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install Files Section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ; *** Check if target folder exists
- switch20 = CallProcEx(xstACT3)
- #ifnot (switch20)
- CreateDirectory(crtDestination)
- #endif
- ; * register country version before switches are inverted
- #if (switch42)
- CallProcEx(regCountryVer32s)
- #else
- CallProcEx(regCountryVer95)
- #endif
- ; Invert country version switches
- NOT(switch1) ; Australia/NZ/Asia
- NOT(switch2) ; Canada
- NOT(switch3) ; Europe
- NOT(switch4) ; Latin American
- NOT(switch5) ; United Kingdom
- NOT(switch6) ; United States
- ; *** Setup for Replacement Upgrade ***
- ;CallProcEx(BusyCursor)
- CallProc(BusyCursor)
- #if (switch16)
- ;* copy the files
- switch31 = TRUE
- switch32 = FALSE ;don't copy the database
- switch33 = FALSE ;don't copy the documents
- switch34 = TRUE ;copy the document templates
- switch35 = TRUE ;copy the report templates
- ;* set the target folders for the document & report templates
- CallProcEx(rstIniFromTpl)
- ResetTarget(rstOldTpl)
- ResetTarget(rstOldRep)
- ;* Briefcase
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childBcase)
- #if (switch17)
- CallProcEx(renBcase)
- #else
- CreateDirectory(crtBrfcase)
- #endif
- ;* Database
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childDatabase)
- #if (switch17)
- ;* Synch
- ; ResetTarget(rstAct2Database)
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childSynch)
- #if (switch17)
- CallProcEx(remdirSynch)
- #endif
- CallProcEx(renDatabase)
- #else
- CreateDirectory(crtDatabase)
- #endif
- CreateDirectory(crtSync)
- ;* Deferred
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childDeferred)
- #if (switch17)
- ; ResetTarget(rstAct2Deferred)
- CallProcEx(rwDeferredUNQ)
- CallProcEx(rwDeferredDAT)
- CallProcEx(delfilesUNQ)
- CallProcEx(delfilesDAT)
- CallProcEx(remdirDeferred)
- #endif
- ;* Documents
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childDocs)
- #if (switch17)
- CallProcEx(renDocs)
- #else
- CreateDirectory(crtDocument)
- #endif
- ;* Filters
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childFilters)
- #if (switch17)
- ; ResetTarget(rstAct2Filters)
- CallProcEx(rwFiltersFLT)
- CallProcEx(rwFiltersMAP)
- CallProcEx(delfilesFLT)
- CallProcEx(delfilesMAP)
- CallProcEx(remdirFilters)
- #endif
- ;* Layouts
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childLayouts)
- #if (switch17)
- CallProcEx(renLayouts)
- #else
- CreateDirectory(crtLayout)
- #endif
- ;* License
- switch17 = CallProcEx(xstLicense)
- #if (switch17)
- ResetTarget(rstAct2License)
- CallProcEx(rwLicenseLMS)
- CallProcEx(delfilesLMS)
- CallProcEx(remdirLicense)
- #endif
- ;* Macros
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childMacros)
- #if (switch17)
- ; ResetTarget(rstAct2Macros)
- CallProcEx(rwMacrosMAC)
- CallProcEx(delfilesMAC)
- CallProcEx(renMacros)
- #else
- CreateDirectory(crtMacro)
- #endif
- ;* Mail
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childMail)
- #if (switch17)
- ; ResetTarget(rstAct2Mail)
- CallProcEx(rwMailDLL)
- CallProcEx(rwMailMSG)
- CallProcEx(rwMailSCR)
- CallProcEx(delfilesMailDLL)
- CallProcEx(delfilesMailMSG)
- CallProcEx(delfilesMailSCR)
- #else
- CreateDirectory(crtMail)
- #endif
- ;* Outbox
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childOutbox)
- #ifnot (switch17)
- CreateDirectory(crtOutbox)
- #endif
- ;* Printout
- switch17 = CallProcEx(xstPrintout)
- #if (switch17)
- ResetTarget(rstAct2Printout)
- CallProcEx(rwPrintoutALL)
- CallProcEx(rwPrintoutFULLPAGE)
- CallProcEx(rwPrintoutHALFPAGE)
- CallProcEx(rwPrintoutLRGPCKT)
- CallProcEx(rwPrintoutSMLPCKT)
- CallProcEx(delfilesALL)
- CallProcEx(delfilesFULLPAGE)
- CallProcEx(delfilesHALFPAGE)
- CallProcEx(delfilesLRGPCKT)
- CallProcEx(delfilesSMLPCKT)
- CallProcEx(remdirPrintout)
- #endif
- ;* Queries
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childQueries)
- #if (switch17)
- ; ResetTarget(rstAct2Queries)
- CallProcEx(rwQueriesQRY)
- CallProcEx(delfilesQRY)
- CallProcEx(renQueries)
- #else
- CreateDirectory(crtQuery)
- #endif
- ;* Remote
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childRemote)
- #if (switch17)
- ; ResetTarget(rstAct2Remote)
- switch18 = CallProcEx(xstElr)
- #if (switch18)
- CallProcEx(remdirElr)
- #endif
- switch18 = CallProcEx(xstIn)
- #if (switch18)
- CallProcEx(remdirIn)
- #endif
- switch18 = CallProcEx(xstOut)
- #if (switch18)
- CallProcEx(remdirOut)
- #endif
- CallProcEx(rwRemoteDLL)
- CallProcEx(rwRemoteEXE)
- CallProcEx(rwRemoteMDB)
- CallProcEx(delfilesRemoteDLL)
- CallProcEx(delfilesRemoteEXE)
- CallProcEx(delfilesRemoteMDB)
- CallProcEx(remdirRemote)
- #endif
- ;* Reports
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childReports)
- #if (switch17)
- ResetTarget(rstFromRep)
- CallProcEx(renReports)
- #else
- CallProcEx(rstIniFromRep)
- CreateDirectory(crtReport)
- #endif
- ;* Spell
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childSpell)
- #if (switch17)
- ; ResetTarget(rstAct2Spell)
- CallProcEx(rwSpellDCT)
- CallProcEx(delfilesDCT)
- #else
- CreateDirectory(crtSpell)
- #endif
- ;* Template
- switch17 = CallProcEx(childTemplate)
- #if (switch17)
- CreateDirectory(crtTemplate)
- #endif
- ;* Delete other files
- CallProcEx(rwAllActwin2)
- Delete(delActwin2)
- ;* remove ACT! 2.x Program Group
- CallProcEx(delgrpActwin2)
- #if (switch13)
- CreateDirectory(crtAutoUpgrade)
- #endif
- #else
- ; *** Create directories
- CreateDirectory(crtBrfcase)
- CreateDirectory(crtDatabase)
- CreateDirectory(crtDocument)
- CreateDirectory(crtLayout)
- CreateDirectory(crtMacro)
- CreateDirectory(crtMail)
- CreateDirectory(crtOutbox)
- CreateDirectory(crtQuery)
- CreateDirectory(crtReport)
- CreateDirectory(crtSpell)
- CreateDirectory(crtSync)
- CreateDirectory(crtTemplate)
- #if (switch13)
- CreateDirectory(crtAutoUpgrade)
- #endif
- #endif
- ; *** Reset Target
- ResetTarget(rstSpell)
- ResetTarget(rstDatabase)
- ResetTarget(rstReport)
- ResetTarget(rstLayout)
- ResetTarget(rstMail)
- ResetTarget(rst10IsSystem)
- ResetTarget(rstTemplate)
- #if (switch13)
- ResetTarget(rstAutoUpgrade)
- #endif
- ; *** save registries & ini settings
- #if (switch44)
- SaveRegistry(savAllReg)
- #endif
- ;* register paths if any component was installed
- #if (switch86)
- ;delete old reg keys first
- DelRegKey(delClearOurRegKeys)
- DelFromIni(delClearOurIniExts)
- #ifnot (switch42) ; if not Win32s
- CallProcEx(regpathAct30)
- CallProcEx(regpathInstallDir)
- #endif
- ; MergeRegFile(mergeActRegNT)
- ; MakeFilesReadWrite(delRegNT)
- ; Delete(delRegNT)
- #endif
- #if (switch19)
- switch17 = Exists(xstAct2Ini)
- #if (switch17)
- CallProcEx(regAct2CopiedNo)
- #endif
- #else
- #if (switch15)
- switch17 = Exists(xstAct1Ini)
- #if (switch17)
- CallProcEx(regAct1CopiedNo)
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- ; *** Create Copy Data directories
- #if (switch31)
- #if (switch32)
- ; CreateDirectory(crtOldDbf)
- #if (switch19) ;* move ACT!
- CallProcEx(regAct2CopiedYes)
- #else
- #if (switch15)
- CallProcEx(regAct1CopiedYes)
- #endif
- #endif
- #else
- #endif
- ; #if (switch33)
- ; CreateDirectory(crtOldDocs)
- ; #endif
- #if (switch34)
- CreateDirectory(crtOldTmplt)
- #endif
- #if (switch35)
- CreateDirectory(crtOldRep)
- #endif
- #endif
- ; *** Copy Previous Data files
- #if (switch31)
- ; CallProcEx(CopyTheFiles)
- CallProc(CopyTheFiles)
- #endif
- #if (switch56)
- #ifnot (switch42)
- ; *** set Symantec Shared folders
- CallProcEx(getSymantecSharedDir)
- ; switch95 = CallProcEx(getLiveUpdateDir)
- ; #ifnot ( switch95 )
- ; #if ( switch43 )
- ; ResetTarget( rstLiveUpdate )
- ; #endif
- ; #endif
- CallProcEx(getLiveUpdateDir)
- ; *** Create shared folders
- CreateDirectory(crtShared)
- CreateDirectory(crtLiveUpdate)
- ; *** add paths to registry
- CallProcEx(regpathLocation1)
- CallProcEx(regpathSharedComp)
- ; CallProcEx(regpathLiveUpdate)
- CallProcEx(regpathLiveUpdate1)
- #else
- SilentModifyTF(CreateLiveUpdateIni) ; create liveupdt.ini if not exists already
- ;****** Update Liveupdt.Ini
- UpdateIni( LiveUpdateOptions ) ; set the location for liveupdate files
- switch49 = VerifyIni( IsActInLV )
- #if (switch49)
- UpdateIni( Act30 ) ; set Act location
- switch49 = VerifyIni( IsUsageEx ) ; is usage counter exists?
- #ifnot (switch49) ; not exists
- UpdateIni( SetUsage ) ; set counter to 1
- #endif ; if exists, don't touch anything
- #else
- UpdateIni( Act30 )
- switch49 = VerifyIni( IsUsageEx )
- #if (switch49)
- ResetTarget( targetWIN )
- CallProcEx( IncUsage )
- #else
- UpdateIni( SetUsage )
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #if(switch44)
- ;* add Add/Remove registry only if selected
- #if (switch86)
- Backup(bakReg95)
- MergeRegFile(mergeAddRemov)
- MakeFilesReadWrite(delReg95)
- Delete(delReg95)
- #endif
- ;* Update usage counts of shared dlls
- #if (switch53) ;* ActApp
- ; CallProcEx(RegSystemDll)
- CallProc(RegSystemDll)
- #endif
- #if (switch57) ;* QTourDbSetup
- ; CallProcEx(RegQTourDll)
- CallProc(RegQTourDll)
- #endif
- ; #if (switch75) ;* ccMail
- ; CallProcEx(RegccMailDll)
- ; #endif
- ;* Clean .dbf extension registry if associated with ACT! 2.x
- switch8 = CallProcEx(IsDbfExtensionACT)
- #if (switch8)
- CallProcEx(delValDBF)
- CallProcEx(delKeyDBFShell)
- CallProcEx(delKeyDatabase)
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch42)
- ; *** Save Welcome Panel info into registry
- ; CallProcEx(SaveWelcomeInfo)
- CallProc(SaveWelcomeInfo)
- ; *** Serialization
- ; CallProcEx(Serialize)
- CallProc(Serialize)
- switch56 = IsOptionSelected(LiveUpdate)
- #if (switch56)
- ; CallProcEx(RegLiveUpdate)
- CallProc(RegLiveUpdate)
- #endif
- #else
- ; *** Save Welcome Panel info into INI file
- CallProcEx(SaveWelcomeInfoW32s)
- #endif
- ; *** Copy pipeline files into TARGET
- ; Install only if United States, Canada, or Latin America
- ; assumes switch has been inverted
- ; * disable registration depending on country version
- ; * registration only applies to: US, Canada, Mexico
- switch7 = FALSE ; Online Registration switch
- ;* Canada
- ;#ifnot (switch2)
- ; switch7 = TRUE
- ; Backup(bakPipelineFiles)
- ; #ifnot (switch40)
- ; Backup(bakCramapi)
- ; #endif
- ;#endif
- ;* Latin America
- ;#ifnot (switch4)
- ; switch7 = TRUE
- ; Backup(bakPipelineFiles)
- ; #ifnot (switch40)
- ; Backup(bakCramapi)
- ; #endif
- ;#endif
- ;* US
- ;#ifnot (switch6)
- ; switch7 = TRUE
- ; Backup(bakPipelineFiles)
- ; #ifnot (switch40)
- ; Backup(bakCramapi)
- ; #endif
- ;#endif
- ; *** Shorten TARGET paths
- ShortenTarget(TARGET)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET2)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET3)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET4)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET5)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET6)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET7)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET8)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET9)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET10)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET11)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET16)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET17)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET18)
- ShortenTarget(TARGET19)
- ; *** Tell the ACTLDR.EXE to unload
- ;CallProcEx( execACTLDRUnload )
- ; *** Copy files
- Copy()
- ; *** Rename Help Files
- BackUp(bakHelp)
- Delete(delOrgHelpFiles)
- ; Copy the User Dictionary if it is required.
- ;#if ( switch62 ) ; If Dictionary selected
- ; switch95 = Exists( xstNewUsr )
- ; #ifnot ( switch95 )
- ; Backup( bakNewUsr )
- ; #endif
- ;#endif
- #if (switch42)
- CallProcEx(regComponents32s) ; register Install information
- CallProcEx(regOSVersion32s)
- #if (switch13)
- AddToIni(regAutoUpgrade)
- #else
- AddToIni(regNoAutoUpgrade)
- #endif
- switch49 = VerifyIni( VShare ) ; check for virtual share driver
- #ifnot ( switch49 )
- ; *** Verify/Update AUTOEXEC.BAT -- minimal pattern matching
- switch49 = VerifyStartup(CheckShareLine1) ; check for share pattern 1
- #ifnot ( switch49 )
- switch49 = VerifyStartup(CheckShareLine2) ; check for share pattern 2
- #endif
- #ifnot ( switch49 )
- ; switch49 = VerifyStartup(CheckShareExe) ; check for share
- ; #if ( switch49 ) ; comment out
- SilentModifyTF(CommentOut)
- ; #endif
- SilentModifyTF(AddShareLine) ; add "SHARE /L:200 /F:4096"
- #endif
- #endif
- #else
- CallProcEx(regComponents95) ; register Install information
- CallProcEx(regOSVersion95)
- #endif
- ; select executable for a shortcut - win32s only
- #if ( switch53 )
- #ifnot ( switch42 )
- SelectOption(Act32)
- #else
- SelectOption(Act16)
- #endif
- #endif
- ; *** Create program group
- Groups()
- ; Set up the OLE information for 95/NT only
- #ifnot ( switch42 )
- ; CallProcEx( execACTReg )
- CallProc( execACTReg )
- #endif
- ; *** execute Wintdist.exe
- #ifnot (switch42) ;can't do under win32s
- #if (switch56)
- ; CallProcEx(execWintdist)
- CallProc(execWintdist)
- #endif
- #endif
- #if (switch86)
- ; *** add WinFax info to WIN.INI (if WinFax installed)
- switch17=VerifyIni( verWinFaxInstalled )
- #if ( switch17 )
- AddToIni(addWinfaxPhBkLnk)
- AddToIni( addWinfaxPhSrv )
- #endif
- #endif
- ; * if Template component is installed, rename letter templates
- #if (switch80)
- #ifnot (switch1) ; Australia/NZ/Asia
- Backup(bakUKLetter)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch2) ; Canada
- Backup(bakUSLetter)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch3) ; Europe
- Backup(bakEuLetter)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch4) ; Latin American
- Backup(bakEuLetter)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch5) ; United Kingdom
- Backup(bakUKLetter)
- #endif
- #ifnot (switch6) ; United States
- Backup(bakUSLetter)
- #endif
- #endif
- ; * set the Common Finish panel switches
- switch97 = FALSE
- switch98 = FALSE
- switch99 = TRUE
- switch10=IsFileInUse()
- #if (switch10)
- switch97 = TRUE
- #endif
- ; If Act App installed, run the ACT! DLL Loader app.
- ;#if ( switch53 )
- ; #ifnot ( switch97 ) ; Don't launch if reboot required.
- ; #ifnot ( switch42 ) ; don't load if under win32s
- ; CallProcEx( execACTLDR )
- ; #endif
- ; #endif
- ;#endif
- MakeFilesReadWrite(rwIsNT40Exe)
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;WizardExcludePanel(WelcomePanel)
- WizardExcludePanel(TWelcomePanel)
- WizardExcludePanel(LicensePanel)
- WizardExcludePanel(ACTInstallType)
- WizardExcludePanel(SpecifyLocation)
- WizardExcludePanel(ACTCompSel)
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;--------- *** Install Complete *** ----------
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- WizardPanel(CommonFinish, siwact16.dll)
- WizardExcludePanel(OnlineRegistration)
- WizardExcludePanel(OnlineMarketing)
- WizardExcludePanel(SendRegistration)
- WizardProcessPanel()
- #if (switch40)
- goto(EndInstall)
- #endif
- #if (switch45)
- goto(EndInstall)
- #endif
- switch42 = CallProcEx(IsWin32s) ; is win32s installed?
- #ifnot (switch42)
- switch47 = CallProcEx(IsFloppy)
- #if (switch47) ; floppy install
- goto(fddInstall)
- #else ; net/hdd/cdrom install
- ResetTarget(targetHdd) ; TARGET40 is set to HDD
- switch48 = Exists(msInstaller) ; check for win32s installer
- #ifnot (switch48)
- PathBrowse(win32sPath)
- switch48 = Exists(msInstaller) ; check again - last call
- #ifnot (switch48)
- MessageBox(msg32sNotFoundOk)
- goto(EndInstall) ; terminate
- #endif
- #endif
- switch1 = IsRebootRequested()
- MessageBox( msgBeginWin32sInstall )
- #if (switch1)
- MessageBox( msgShareReboot )
- #endif
- Launch(win32sInstall) ; spawn win32s install
- #endif
- goto(EndInstall) ; terminate
- #endif
- goto(EndInstall)
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- :fddInstall
- ;ResetTarget(targetFdd) ; TARGET40 set to a:\
- MessageBox(promptFor32s) ; insert win32s disk 1
- switch48 = Exists(msInstallerFdd) ; check for valid files
- #ifnot (switch48)
- switch1 = MessageYesNo(msg32sNotFound)
- #if (switch1)
- goto(fddInstall)
- #else
- goto(EndInstall)
- #endif
- #endif
- switch1 = IsRebootRequested()
- #if (switch1)
- MessageBox( msgShareReboot )
- #endif
- Launch(win32sInstallFdd) ; spawn win32s install
- goto(EndInstall)
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------
- :EndInstall
- EnableUtils()
- MakeFilesReadWrite(rwPipeline)
- Delete(delPipelineFiles)
- ;#if (switch45)
- ; MakeFilesReadWrite(rwCramapi)
- ; Delete(delCramapi)
- ;#endif
- #if (switch56)
- Delete(delWintdist)
- #endif
- CallProcEx(FreeMe)
- MakeFilesReadWrite(delNewInstallDlls)
- Delete(delNewInstallDlls)
- #ifnot (switch45)
- #if (switch97)
- ExitReboot()
- #endif
- #endif
- #if (switch12)
- Exit()
- #endif
- switch1 = IsRebootRequested()
- #if ( switch1 )
- EndNoRestart(RebootTxt)
- #else
- #if (switch42)
- MessageBox( msgEndofInstall )
- ExitRestart()
- #else
- Exit()
- #endif
- #endif
- ;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Sub-Process Section
- ;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;------------------------------------------------------------
- ;********* Wizard Panel Processes *********
- [WelcomePanel]
- Caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- Title="Welcome to ACT!"
- DlgProc=WelcomeDlgProc
- ResourceId=501
- ;Bitmap16=212
- Bitmap16=320
- PanelDataProc=WelcomeDataProc
- panelflags=first
- [TWelcomePanel]
- Caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- Title="ACT! Trial Size"
- DlgProc=WelcomeDlgProc
- ResourceId=501
- ;Bitmap16=212
- Bitmap16=320
- PanelDataProc=WelcomeDataProc
- panelflags=first
- [LicensePanel]
- Caption="Online License Agreement"
- DlgProc=LicenseDlgProc
- ResourceId=502
- PanelDataProc=LicenseDataProc
- [ACTInstallType]
- Caption="ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- Title="Select Type of Installation"
- DlgProc=ActInstallTypeDlgProc
- ResourceId=602
- Bitmap16=321
- PanelDataProc=ActInstallTypeDataProc
- [ActInstallTypeData]
- TypicalSwitch = Switch92
- ;CompactSwitch = Switch93
- CustomSwitch = Switch94
- TypicalText = "Recommended for most users. Easily installs main files."
- CompactText = "For computers with minimal available hard disk space. Includes main."
- CustomText = "Recommended for expert users. Includes the option to add any desired components."
- CountryList = ActCountryList
- [ActCountryList]
- "Australia/Asia", switch1
- "Canada", switch2
- "Europe", switch3
- "Latin America", switch4
- "United Kingdom", switch5
- "United States", switch6
- [SpecifyLocation]
- Caption="ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- Title="Program Location"
- DlgProc=LocationDlgProc
- ResourceId=560
- Bitmap16=321
- PanelDataProc=LocationDataProc
- [MoveData]
- Caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- Title = "Copy Existing ACT! Data"
- DlgProc = MoveDataDlgProc
- ResourceId = 603
- Bitmap16 = 322
- PanelDataProc = MoveDataDataProc
- [ActMoveDataSection]
- DbfSwitch = switch32
- DocTemplateSwitch = switch34
- DocumentSwitch = switch33
- RepTemplateSwitch = switch35
- DbfFrom = TARGET12
- DocumentFrom = TARGET13
- DocTemplateFrom = TARGET14
- RepTemplateFrom = TARGET15
- DbfTo = TARGET16
- DocumentTo = TARGET17
- DocTemplateTo = TARGET18
- RepTemplateTo = TARGET19
- [InstallSummary]
- Caption="ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- DlgProc=SummaryDlgProc
- ResourceId=666
- Bitmap16=320
- PanelDataProc=DefaultDataProc
- [TechSupport]
- Caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- ResourceId=507
- DlgProc=TechSupDlgProc
- Bitmap16=207
- PanelFlags=NoCancel+First
- [ReachUs]
- Caption="ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- Title="How to Reach Us"
- DlgProc=ReachDlgProc
- ResourceId=513
- Bitmap16=213
- PanelFlags=NoCancel
- [RegisterNow]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- Title="Register Now"
- DlgProc=RegNowDlgProc
- PanelDataProc=RegNowDataProc
- ResourceId=504
- Bitmap16=214
- PanelFlags=Skip
- [OnlineRegistration]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- DlgProc=UsaRegDlgProc
- PanelDataProc=UsaRegDataProc
- ResourceId=505
- PanelFlags=Skip
- [OnlineMarketing]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- DlgProc=MarketingDlgProc
- PanelDataProc=MarketingDataProc
- ResourceId=506
- PanelFlags=Skip
- [SendRegistration]
- caption = "Send Now"
- DlgProc=SendRegDlgProc
- PanelDataProc=SendRegDataProc
- ResourceId=514
- Bitmap16=214
- PanelFlags=Skip
- [CommonFinish]
- ;Caption="ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- Caption="ACT! 3.0 Trial Size for Windows"
- Title="Installation Complete"
- DlgProc=FinishDlgProc
- ResourceId=563
- Bitmap16=320
- PanelDataProc=FinishDataProc
- ;PanelFlags=last + finish
- PanelFlags=first + last + finish
- [FinishData]
- RebootSwitch = switch97
- RestartSwitch = Switch98
- ContinueSwitch = Switch99
- ;SuccessText = "ACT! 3.0 has been successfully installed in your system."
- ;AddlInfoText = "For the latest information on ACT! 3.0, see the file README.TXT located in the program group."
- SuccessText = "ACT! 3.0 Trial Size has been successfully installed in your system."
- AddlInfoText = "For the latest information on ACT! 3.0 Trial Size, see the file README.TXT located in the program group."
- RebootOnlyText = "Your computer will now restart to complete the necessary changes."
- RebootOnlyNTText = "Please reboot your computer to complete the necessary changes."
- RestartOnlyText = "The install will now restart Windows to complete the necessary changes."
- ContinueOnlyText = "Installation is complete."
- ;********* Component Selection Panel *********
- [ACTCompSel]
- Caption="ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- DlgProc=ACTCompSelDlgProc
- ResourceId=601
- PanelDataProc=ACTCompSelDataProc
- ;ID = <Component Name>,<Switch Number>,<Size in KByte>,<Parent#>
- ;<Item Description>
- [ComponentList]
- ;*** Application
- Item10 = "Application/System Files", switch51, 23463, ""
- "ACT! application and system files"
- ;23079(Appsys) + 2531(WordProcess) + 1867(Mail) + 1797(Misc) + 1806(setup files) = 31080
- ;** AppSys (including tapi)
- Item11 = "Application/System", switch52, 23079, "Item10"
- "ACT! application and system files"
- ;* ActApp
- Item110 = "Main", switch53, 10393, "Item11"
- "Main application files required to run ACT!"
- ;* ActPTP
- Item111 = "PTP Transport", switch54, 216, "Item11"
- "Files required for modem-to-modem synchronization"
- ;* AppFilter
- Item112 = "Filters", switch55, 406, "Item11"
- "File required for converting data created in other applications"
- ;* LiveUpdate
- Item113 = "LiveUpdate", switch56, 951, "Item11"
- "Files required to use Live Update to receive product updates. Live Update requires Windows NT or Windows 95"
- ;* QTourDbSetup
- Item114 = "Quick Tour/Setup Wizard", switch57, 3554, "Item11"
- "Files required to run the ACT! Quick Tour and the Database Setup Wizard"
- ;* Tapi
- ;Item116 = "Tapi", switch90, 372, "Item11"
- ;"16-bit TAPI files. For Windows 3.1x only."
- ;** AppHelp
- Item12 = "Help", switch58, 918, "Item10"
- "Online help for ACT!"
- ;*** WordProcessor
- Item20 = "Word Processor", switch59, 2531, ""
- "Files required for using a word processor within ACT!"
- ;** ActWordProc
- Item21 = "ACT! Word Processor", switch60, 678, "Item20"
- "ACT! Word Processor files"
- ;* ActWP
- Item210 = "Main", switch61, 240, "Item21"
- "Primary files required to run the ACT! Word Processor"
- ;* Dictionary
- Item211 = "Dictionaries", switch62, 269, "Item21"
- "Dictionary files required for spell-checking documents in the ACT! Word Processor"
- ;* WPFilter
- Item212 = "Filters", switch63, 76, "Item21"
- "Filters required by the ACT! Word Processor for opening files created in other applications"
- ;* WPHelp
- Item213 = "Help", switch64, 93, "Item21"
- "Online help for the ACT! Word Processor"
- ;** ActWPWord
- Item22 = "MS Word Support", switch65, 893, "Item20"
- "Files required for using Microsoft Word with ACT!"
- ;* WPWord
- ;Item220 = "Main", switch66, 485, "Item22"
- ;"Primary files required for using Microsoft Word with ACT!"
- ;* WPWordMacro
- ;Item221 = "MS Word Macros", switch67, 408, "Item22"
- ;"Files required for using Microsoft Word macros with ACT!"
- ;** ActWPWP
- Item23 = "WordPerfect Support", switch68, 960, "Item20"
- "Files required for using WordPerfect with ACT!"
- ;* WPWordPerfect
- ;Item230 = "Main", switch69, 596, "Item23"
- ;"Primary files required for using WordPerfect with ACT!"
- ;* WPWPTemplate
- ;Item231 = "WordPerfect Templates", switch70, 35, "Item23"
- ;"Templates for use with WordPerfect"
- ;* WPWPMacro
- ;Item232 = "WordPerfect Macros", switch71, 329, "Item23"
- ;"Files required for using WordPerfect macros with ACT!"
- ;*** Mail
- Item30 = "Network Mail", switch72, 1867, ""
- "Files required for using e-mail applications with ACT!"
- ;** CServe
- Item32 = "CompuServe", switch74, 471, "Item30"
- "Files required for using CompuServe with ACT!"
- ;** CServeExe
- Item320 = "Main", switch87, 391, "Item32"
- "Primary files required for using CompuServe with ACT!"
- ;** CServeScr
- Item321 = "Scripts", switch88, 80, "Item32"
- "Files required for using CompuServe scripts with ACT!"
- ;** ccMail
- Item33 = "Lotus cc:Mail", switch75, 1299, "Item30"
- "Files required for using cc:Mail with ACT!"
- ;** LotusMail
- Item34 = "Lotus Notes Mail", switch76, 32, "Item30"
- "Files required for using Lotus Notes Mail with ACT!"
- ;** MSExchange
- Item35 = "MS Exchange", switch77, 65, "Item30"
- "Files required for using MS Exchange with ACT!"
- ;*** ACTFiles
- Item40 = "ACT! Files", switch78, 1797, ""
- "Miscellaneous ACT! files"
- ;** Calendar
- Item41 = "Calendars", switch79, 822, "Item40"
- "Files required for producing printouts of the ACT! calendars"
- ;** Template
- Item42 = "Templates", switch80, 358, "Item40"
- "Templates for use with the ACT! Word Processor"
- ;** Layout
- Item43 = "Layouts", switch81, 188, "Item40"
- "Layouts for displaying contact and group data"
- ;** Envelope
- Item44 = "Envelopes", switch82, 20, "Item40"
- "Envelope templates"
- ;** Label
- Item45 = "Labels", switch83, 37, "Item40"
- "Label templates"
- ;** DemoDbf
- Item46 = "Demo Database", switch84, 236, "Item40"
- "Sample ACT! database"
- ;** Report
- Item47 = "Reports", switch85, 130, "Item40"
- "Report templates"
- ;** ImportMap
- Item48 = "Import Maps", switch89, 6, "Item40"
- "Files that help map imported data from other applications to fields in an ACT! database"
- ;*** Setup
- ;Item50 = "Setup/Uninstall Files", switch86, 1806, ""
- ;"Files required for uninstalling or reconfiguring ACT!"
- ;* Files for Windows 3.1x
- ;Item60 = "Windows 3.1x files", switch13, 6269, ""
- ;"Files needed for running ACT! under Windows 3.1x."
- ;* Auto upgrade from Win32s to Win 95/NT
- Item60 = "Auto Upgrade Files for Win 3.1", switch13, 6269, ""
- "Files needed for running ACT! after upgrading Win 3.1 to Win 95/NT."
- ;********* Uninstall Progress Dialog Info *********
- [CreateProgressDlg]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = UninstallProgress
- Command = 1
- [BeginningInstallText]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = UninstallProgress
- Command = 3
- ProgressMessage = "Starting installation ..."
- [KillUninstallDlg]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = UninstallProgress
- Command = 2
- ;********* Message Box & Dialogs *********
- [msgBadWinVer]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "Invalid Windows version detected!"
- "Windows NT/95 are required for this version of ACT!."
- [msgNoCompSelect]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "The component select/deselect is currently not implemented."
- "You will be prompted to select a different destination drive."
- "Click Ok to continue."
- [msgACT10]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "The installer has detected that ACT! 1.0"
- "is installed in your system."
- [msgACT20]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "The installer has detected that ACT! 2.0"
- "is installed in your system."
- [msgACT30Running]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "The installer has detected that ACT! 3.0"
- "is currently running on your machine."
- ""
- "Exit ACT! 3.0 and run the installer again."
- [msgACT20Running]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "The installer has detected that ACT! 2.0"
- "is currently running on your machine."
- ""
- "Installing ACT! 3.0 while ACT! 2.0 is"
- "running may cause problems during installation."
- ""
- "Exit ACT! 2.0 and run the installer again."
- [dlgOldACTExist]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = YesNoDlg
- title = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- text1 = "The selected destination folder contains an old version of ACT!."
- text2 = "Do you wish to select a new destination?"
- [msgCopyData]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "You don't have enough space for installation."
- ""
- "Please modify the copy data options or"
- "deselect some components."
- [msgEndofInstall]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "ACT! 3.0 has been successfully installed."
- "The system needs to be restarted to complete the process."
- ;********* Miscellaneous *********
- [DisplayBackground]
- color= %s\act3back.bmp, 1, 1
- ;color= %s\picback.bmp ;centered
- ;color= %s\symlogo.rle, 1, -1
- [savAllReg]
- WINDOWS, system.act, user.act
- [SearchActwin2]
- Caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- Text1= "Searching for a previously"
- Text2 = "installed ACT! 2.0 for Windows"
- Appname = "actwin2.exe"
- Apppath = c:\actwin2
- [dskErrTypical]
- caption = "Insufficient Disk Space"
- text = typSpaceText
- radio1 = "&Change drive"
- radio2 = "&Deselect components"
- radio3 = "C&ontinue"
- descrip1 = "This will let you select a different drive."
- descrip2 = "This will let you select/deselect components."
- descrip3 = ""
- AllowContinue = 0
- [typSpaceText]
- "Current Target Drive = %c:"
- "Approximate Space Available = %ld KB"
- "Approximate Space Required = %ld KB"
- [msgTDiskSpaceError]
- caption = "Insufficient Disk Space"
- "There is insufficient space for ACT! 3.0 Trial Size on the"
- "chosen drive. Press OK to choose another location."
- [remErrorFiles]
- _syminst.bat
- ~sym*.*
- [RebootDlg]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "To complete the installation,"
- "Setup will now reboot your system."
- [RestartDlg]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "To complete the installation,"
- "Setup will now restart your system."
- [BusyCursor]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SendBusy
- [RestoreCursor]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SendRestore
- ;********* MakeFiles...() *********
- [rwPipeline]
- mailbusi.ctl, TARGET
- pipeline.dll, TARGET
- ;pipeline.dll, TEMPDIR
- pipeline.ini, TARGET
- siwpipl.exe, TARGET
- ;siwpipl.exe, TEMPDIR
- [rwCramapi]
- cramapi.dll, TARGET
- ;cramapi.dll, TEMPDIR
- [rwNewInstallDlls]
- ctl3d.dll, TARGET
- ActReg95.Reg, WINDOWS
- mailbusi.ctl, TARGET
- pipeline.dll, TARGET
- pipeline.ini, TARGET
- sfttree.dll, WINDOWS
- siwact16.dll, WINDOWS
- siwpipl.exe, TARGET
- [rwIsNT40Exe]
- isnt40.exe, TARGET
- [rwAllActwin2]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET
- filespec = "*.*"
- access = 2
- [rwDeferredUNQ]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.UNQ"
- access = 2
- [rwDeferredDAT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.DAT"
- access = 2
- [rwFiltersFLT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.FLT"
- access = 2
- [rwFiltersMAP]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.MAP"
- access = 2
- [rwLicenseLMS]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.LMS"
- access = 2
- [rwMacrosMAC]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.MAC"
- access = 2
- [rwMailDLL]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.DLL"
- access = 2
- [rwMailMSG]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.MSG"
- access = 2
- [rwMailSCR]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.SCR"
- access = 2
- [rwPrintoutALL]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "ALL.*"
- access = 2
- [rwPrintoutFULLPAGE]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "FULLPAGE.*"
- access = 2
- [rwPrintoutHALFPAGE]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "HALFPAGE.*"
- access = 2
- [rwPrintoutLRGPCKT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "LRGPCKT.*"
- access = 2
- [rwPrintoutSMLPCKT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "SMLPCKT.*"
- access = 2
- [rwQueriesQRY]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.QRY"
- access = 2
- [rwRemoteDLL]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.DLL"
- access = 2
- [rwRemoteEXE]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.EXE"
- access = 2
- [rwRemoteMDB]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.MDB"
- access = 2
- [rwSpellDCT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActChmod
- path = TARGET2
- filespec = "*.DCT"
- access = 2
- ;********* Backup() & Delete() *********
- [bakNewInstallDlls]
- ;_syminst.exe, _syminst.exe, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
- ;_symshel.exe, _symshel.exe, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
- serial16.dll, serial16.dll, SOURCE, WINDOWS
- sfttree.dll, sfttree.dll, SOURCE, WINDOWS
- siwact16.dll, siwact16.dll, SOURCE, WINDOWS
- siwfmod.exe, siwfmod.exe, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
- [bakIsNT40Exe]
- isnt40.exe, isnt40.exe, SOURCE, WINDOWS
- [bakSToLfnExe]
- stolfn.exe, stolfn.exe, SOURCE, WINDOWS
- [bakPipelineFiles]
- mailbusi.ctl, mailbusi.ctl, SOURCE, TARGET
- pipeline.dll, pipeline.dll, SOURCE, TARGET
- pipeline.dll, pipeline.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
- pipeline.ini, pipeline.ini, SOURCE, TARGET
- siwpipl.exe, siwpipl.exe, SOURCE, TARGET
- siwpipl.exe, siwpipl.exe, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
- [bakCramapi]
- cramapi.dll, cramapi.dll, SOURCE, TARGET
- cramapi.dll, cramapi.dll, SOURCE, TEMPDIR
- [bakReg95]
- ;ActReg95.Reg, ActReg95.Reg, SOURCE, WINDOWS
- AddRemov.Reg, AddRemov.Reg, SOURCE, WINDOWS
- [bakRegNT]
- [delReg95]
- ;ActReg95.Reg, WINDOWS
- AddRemov.Reg, WINDOWS
- [delRegNT]
- [delPipelineFiles]
- mailbusi.ctl, TARGET
- pipeline.dll, TARGET
- pipeline.dll, TEMPDIR
- pipeline.ini, TARGET
- siwpipl.exe, TARGET
- siwpipl.exe, TEMPDIR
- [delCramapi]
- cramapi.dll, TARGET
- cramapi.dll, TEMPDIR
- [delNewInstallDlls]
- ActReg95.Reg, WINDOWS
- mailbusi.ctl, TARGET
- pipeline.dll, TARGET
- pipeline.ini, TARGET
- serial16.dll, WINDOWS
- sfttree.dll, WINDOWS
- siwact16.dll, WINDOWS
- siwpipl.exe, TARGET
- [delOldInstallDlls]
- custom.dll, WINDOWS
- actlpfnc.dll, WINDOWS
- siwdll.dll, WINDOWS
- [delIsNT40Exe]
- isnt40.exe, WINDOWS
- [delSToLfnExe]
- stolfn.exe, WINDOWS
- [delWintdist]
- wintdist.exe, TARGET
- [bakEuLetter]
- lttrela.adt, letter.adt, TARGET11, TARGET11
- lttrela.awt, letter.awt, TARGET11, TARGET11
- lttrela.tpl, letter.tpl, TARGET11, TARGET11
- [bakUKLetter]
- lttruka.adt, letter.adt, TARGET11, TARGET11
- lttruka.awt, letter.awt, TARGET11, TARGET11
- lttruka.tpl, letter.tpl, TARGET11, TARGET11
- [bakUSLetter]
- lttrusc.adt, letter.adt, TARGET11, TARGET11
- lttrusc.awt, letter.awt, TARGET11, TARGET11
- lttrusc.tpl, letter.tpl, TARGET11, TARGET11
- [delActwin2]
- _syminst.exe, TARGET
- _syminst.pif, TARGET
- _symshel.exe, TARGET
- actback.bmp, TARGET
- actintl.dll, TARGET
- actlpfnc.dll, TARGET
- actres.dll, TARGET
- actspell.dll, TARGET
- actwin2.exe, TARGET
- actwin2.hlp, TARGET
- c4dll.dll, TARGET
- calendar.dll, TARGET
- cdil_dll.dll, TARGET
- custom.dll, TARGET
- instbin.exe, TARGET
- lpactwin.bin, TARGET
- lzexpand.dll, TARGET
- mailbusi.ctl, TARGET
- mit.dll, TARGET
- modems.txt, TARGET
- prengine.dll, TARGET
- qpd.exe, TARGET
- readme.txt, TARGET
- setup.exe, TARGET
- siwdll.dll, TARGET
- siwfmod.exe, TARGET
- siwgt16.dll, TARGET
- siwgt32.dll, TARGET
- siwpipl.exe, TARGET
- sunzip16.dll, TARGET
- symlogo.rle, TARGET
- techtip1.txt, TARGET
- techtip2.txt, TARGET
- tutor123.wri, TARGET
- tutor456.wri, TARGET
- ;[bakNewUsr]
- ;new.usr, new.usr, SOURCE, TARGET2
- [bakHelp]
- act_95.hlp, act_osd.hlp, TARGET, TARGET
- act_32.hlp, act_osd.hlp, TARGET, TARGET
- [delOrgHelpFiles]
- act_32.hlp, TARGET
- act_95.hlp, TARGET
- ;********* CallProc() & CallProcEx() *********
- [LoadMe]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = LoadMe
- [FreeMe]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = FreeMe
- [IsWindow95]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsWin95
- [IsWindowNT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsWinNT
- [IsWinNT40]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsNT40
- [IsWin32s]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = Win32sStatus
- [IsAct20Running]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsACT20Running
- [IsAct30Running]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsACT30Running
- [CloseGroup]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = CloseProgramGroup
- ProgramGroup = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- [Serialize]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = Serialize
- Product = "ACT! for Windows"
- Version = "3.0"
- Language = "English"
- [srchAct1x]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SearchIniForAct1
- path = TARGET31
- [srchAct2x]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SearchIniForAct2
- path = TARGET32
- [setMoveDataFrom1]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SetMoveDataSourcePaths
- version = 1
- databases = TARGET12
- docs = TARGET13
- docTemplates = TARGET14
- reports = TARGET15
- [setMoveDataFrom2]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SetMoveDataSourcePaths
- version = 2
- databases = TARGET12
- docs = TARGET13
- docTemplates = TARGET14
- reports = TARGET15
- [execWintdist]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = WinExecFile
- path = TARGET
- exe = "wintdist.exe"
- options = "/Q"
- [execACTREG]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = WinExecFile
- path = TARGET
- exe = "ACTREG.EXE"
- options = "/S"
- ;[execACTLDR]
- ;dll = siwact16.dll
- ;function = WinExecFile
- ;path = TARGET
- ;exe = "ACTLDR.EXE"
- ;options = " "
- ;[execACTLDRUnload]
- ;dll = siwact16.dll
- ;function = WinExecFile
- ;path = TARGET
- ;exe = "ACTLDR.EXE"
- ;options = "/U"
- [CopyTheFiles]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = CopyDataFile
- [getSymantecSharedDir]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = FindSymantecDir
- path = TARGET5
- [getLiveUpdateDir]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = FindLiveUpdateDir
- path = TARGET6
- Symantec = TARGET5
- [IsDBFExtensionACT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDbfACT2x
- dll = siwact16.dll
- [GetCountryVersion]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = GetCountry
- ACT1Path = TARGET31
- ACT2Path = TARGET32
- [regAct1CopiedYes]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ACT1DbfCopied
- copied = 1
- [regAct1CopiedNo]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ACT1DbfCopied
- [regAct2CopiedYes]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ACT2DbfCopied
- copied = 1
- [regAct2CopiedNo]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ACT2DbfCopied
- [delgrpActwin2]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteProgramGroup
- group = "ACT! 2.0 for Windows"
- [stolfnTarget]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActGetLFNName
- short = TARGET
- long = TARGET
- [chkAct1DbfCopied]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ExistsAct1DbfCopiedKey
- [chkAct2DbfCopied]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ExistsAct2DbfCopiedKey
- ;********* CallProc(Register) sections *********
- [RegSystemDll]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RegisterSystemDll
- dllList = reglstSystem
- [reglstSystem]
- ;ctl3d32.dll
- sh30w32.dll
- ;msvcrt20.dll
- ;mfc30deu.dll
- ;mfc30fra.dll
- ;mfc40.dll
- ;mfcans32.dll
- ;mfcoleui.dll
- ;mfcuia32.dll
- ;mfcuiw32.dll
- ;wininet.dll
- [RegQTourDll]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RegisterSystemDll
- dllList = reglstQTour
- [reglstQTour]
- comdlg32.ocx
- vb40032.dll
- ;olepro32.dll
- ;threed32.ocx
- [RegccMailDll]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RegisterSystemDll
- dllList = reglstccMail
- [reglstccMail]
- ;cmc32.dll
- chrset32.dll
- [RegLiveUpdate]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RegisterLiveUpdateDll
- dllList = reglstLiveUpdate
- [reglstLiveUpdate]
- s32live1.dll, 6
- s32luhf1.dll, 6
- s32luhm1.dll, 6
- s32luis1.dll, 6
- s32luuz1.dll, 6
- ;hscript.scp, 6
- ;liveupdt.exe, 6
- ;liveupdt.hst, 6
- ;urlcache.dll, 10
- ;wininet.dll, 10
- [regCountryVer32s]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RegisterCountryVersion
- path = TARGET
- type = 1
- [regCountryVer95]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RegisterCountryVersion
- path = TARGET
- type = 2
- [regComponents32s]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RegisterComponents
- path = TARGET
- type = 1
- [regComponents95]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RegisterComponents
- path = TARGET
- type = 2
- [regOSVersion32s]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RegisterOSVersion
- path = TARGET
- type = 1
- [regOSVersion95]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RegisterOSVersion
- path = TARGET
- type = 2
- [regAutoUpgrade]
- IniName=%s\setup.ini,TARGET
- SectionName=Components
- AutoUpgrade=1
- [regNoAutoUpgrade]
- IniName=%s\setup.ini,TARGET
- SectionName=Components
- AutoUpgrade=0
- [DelValDBF]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ACTDeleteRegValue
- HKEY = 0
- SubKey = ".dbf"
- [DelKeyDBFshell]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ACTDeleteRegValue
- HKEY = 0
- SubKey = ".dbf\shell"
- [DelKeyDatabase]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ACTDeleteRegKey
- HKEY = 0
- SubKey = "ACT!.Database"
- [regpathLocation1]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SavePathToRegistry
- HKEY = 2
- Subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\SharedUsage"
- value = "Location1"
- path = TARGET5
- [regpathLiveUpdate]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SavePathToRegistry
- HKEY = 2
- Subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\SharedUsage"
- value = "LiveUpdate"
- path = TARGET6
- [regpathLiveUpdate1]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SavePathToRegistry
- HKEY = 2
- Subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\SharedUsage"
- value = "LiveUpdate1"
- path = TARGET6
- [SaveWelcomeInfo]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SaveUserInfo
- [SaveWelcomeInfoW32s]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SaveUserInfoW32s
- inifile = "ACT.INI"
- iniSection = "Install"
- [regpathAct30]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SavePathToRegistry
- HKEY = 2
- Subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\InstalledApps"
- value = "ACT30"
- path = TARGET
- [regpathInstallDir]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SavePathToRegistry
- HKEY = 2
- Subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\ACT!\Install\3.0"
- value = "InstallDir"
- path = TARGET
- [regpathSharedComp]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = SavePathToRegistry
- HKEY = 2
- Subkey = "SOFTWARE\Symantec\ACT!\Install\3.0"
- value = "SharedComponents"
- path = TARGET5
- ;********* Exists *********
- [xstChkACT2x]
- [xstAct1Ini]
- [xstAct2Ini]
- [xstMidwayFile]
- tapiexe.ex9, SOURCE
- [xstAtspHlp]
- atsp.hlp, SYSTEM
- [xstAtsptsp]
- atsp.tsp, SYSTEM
- [xstAtspexeExe]
- atspexe.exe, SYSTEM
- ;[xstNewUsr]
- ;new.usr, TARGET2
- ;********* Exists() for data files already installed *********
- ;[xstActDemo_Dbf]
- ;actdemo.dbf, TARGET3
- ;[xstActTemp]
- ;letter.tpl, TARGET11
- ;[xstActRepo]
- ;contact.rep, TARGET4
- ;[xstCserveScr]
- ;cserve.scr, TARGET9
- ;[xstImportMap]
- ;ecco.map, TARGET
- ;[xstLabelUS]
- ;2160.lbl, TARGET4
- ;[xstLabelUK]
- ;l7159uka.lbl, TARGET4
- ;[xstLabelEU]
- ;l7159ela.lbl, TARGET4
- ;[xstLayout]
- ;contact1.cly, TARGET8
- ;[xstEnvelopeUS]
- ;10.env, TARGET4
- ;[xstEnvelopeUK]
- ;c4uka.env, TARGET4
- ;[xstEnvelopeEU]
- ;c4ela.env, TARGET4
- ;********* ActExists & IsDirectChild *********
- [xstACT3]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActExists
- path = TARGET
- [childBcase]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Bcase"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [childDatabase]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Database"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [childSynch]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET2
- inikey = "Synch"
- savepath = TARGET3
- [childDeferred]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Deferred"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [childDocs]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Docs"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [childFilters]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Filters"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [childLayouts]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Layouts"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [xstLicense]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActExists
- path = TARGET
- foldername = "License"
- [childMacros]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Macros"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [childMail]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Mail"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [childOutbox]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Outbox"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [xstPrintout]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActExists
- path = TARGET
- foldername = "Printout"
- [childQueries]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Queries"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [childRemote]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Remote"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [xstElr]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActExists
- path = TARGET2
- foldername = "Elr"
- [xstIn]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActExists
- path = TARGET2
- foldername = "In"
- [xstOut]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActExists
- path = TARGET2
- foldername = "Out"
- [childReports]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Reports"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [childSpell]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Spell"
- savepath = TARGET2
- [childTemplate]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectchild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Template"
- savepath = TARGET2
- ;********* CallProc(ActRename) *********
- [renBcase]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActRename
- path = TARGET2
- ;oldname = "Bcase"
- newpath = TARGET
- newname = "Brfcase"
- [renDatabase]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActRenameDatabase
- newpath = TARGET
- newname = "Database"
- [renDocs]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActRename
- path = TARGET2
- ;oldname = "Docs"
- newpath = TARGET
- newname = "Document"
- [renLayouts]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActRename
- path = TARGET2
- ;oldname = "Layouts"
- newpath = TARGET
- newname = "Layout"
- [renMacros]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActRename
- path = TARGET2
- ;oldname = "Macros"
- newpath = TARGET
- newname = "Macro"
- [renQueries]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActRename
- path = TARGET2
- ;oldname = "Queries"
- newpath = TARGET
- newname = "Query"
- [renReports]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = ActRename
- path = TARGET2
- ;oldname = "Reports"
- newpath = TARGET
- newname = "Report"
- ;********* CallProc(DeleteFiles) *********
- [delfilesUNQ]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Deferred"
- filespec = "*.UNQ"
- [delfilesDAT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Deferred"
- filespec = "*.DAT"
- [delfilesFLT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Filters"
- filespec = "*.FLT"
- [delfilesMAP]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Filters"
- filespec = "*.MAP"
- [delfilesLMS]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET
- folder = "License"
- filespec = "*.LMS"
- [delfilesMAC]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Macros"
- filespec = "*.MAC"
- [delfilesMailDLL]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Mail"
- filespec = "*.DLL"
- [delfilesMailMSG]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Mail"
- filespec = "*.MSG"
- [delfilesMailSCR]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Mail"
- filespec = "*.SCR"
- [delfilesALL]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET
- folder = "Printout"
- filespec = "ALL.*"
- [delfilesFULLPAGE]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET
- folder = "Printout"
- filespec = "FULLPAGE.*"
- [delfilesHALFPAGE]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET
- folder = "Printout"
- filespec = "HALFPAGE.*"
- [delfilesLRGPCKT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET
- folder = "Printout"
- filespec = "LRGPCKT.*"
- [delfilesSMLPCKT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET
- folder = "Printout"
- filespec = "SMLPCKT.*"
- [delfilesQRY]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Queries"
- filespec = "*.QRY"
- [delfilesRemoteDLL]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Remote"
- filespec = "*.DLL"
- [delfilesRemoteEXE]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Remote"
- filespec = "*.EXE"
- [delfilesRemoteMDB]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Remote"
- filespec = "*.MDB"
- [delfilesDCT]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = DeleteFiles
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Spell"
- filespec = "*.DCT"
- ;********* CallProc(RemoveDirectoryEx) *********
- [remdirSynch]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RemoveDirectoryEx
- path = TARGET3
- ;folder = "Synch"
- [remdirDeferred]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RemoveDirectoryEx
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Deferred"
- [remdirFilters]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RemoveDirectoryEx
- path = TARGET2
- ;folder = "Filters"
- [remdirLicense]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RemoveDirectoryEx
- path = TARGET
- folder = "License"
- [remdirPrintout]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RemoveDirectoryEx
- path = TARGET
- folder = "Printout"
- [remdirElr]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RemoveDirectoryEx
- path = TARGET2
- folder = "Elr"
- [remdirIn]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RemoveDirectoryEx
- path = TARGET2
- folder = "In"
- [remdirOut]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RemoveDirectoryEx
- path = TARGET2
- folder = "Out"
- [remdirRemote]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = RemoveDirectoryEx
- path = TARGET
- folder = "Remote"
- ;********* Create Directory *********
- [crtDestination]
- "%s", TARGET
- [crtBrfCase]
- "%s\BrfCase", TARGET
- [crtDocument]
- "%s\Document", TARGET
- [crtDatabase]
- "%s\Database", TARGET
- [crtElr]
- "%s\Elr", TARGET
- [crtIn]
- "%s\In", TARGET
- [crtLabel]
- "%s\Label", TARGET
- [crtLayout]
- "%s\Layout", TARGET
- [crtLicense]
- "%s\License", TARGET
- [crtMacro]
- "%s\Macro", TARGET
- [crtMail]
- "%s\Mail", TARGET
- [crtOut]
- "%s\Out", TARGET
- [crtOutbox]
- "%s\Outbox", TARGET
- [crtQuery]
- "%s\Query", TARGET
- [crtReport]
- "%s\Report", TARGET
- [crtSpell]
- "%s\Spell", TARGET
- [crtSync]
- "%s\Sync", TARGET
- [crtTemplate]
- "%s\Template", TARGET
- [crtShared]
- "%s", TARGET5
- [crtLiveUpdate]
- "%s", TARGET6
- [crtOldDbf]
- "%s", TARGET16
- [crtOldDocs]
- "%s", TARGET17
- [crtOldTmplt]
- "%s", TARGET18
- [crtOldRep]
- "%s", TARGET19
- [crtAutoUpgrade]
- "%s\autorcon", TARGET
- ;********* Reset Target *********
- [rstAct2Database]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s\Deferred", TARGET
- [rstAct2Deferred]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s\Deferred", TARGET
- [rstAct2Filters]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s\Filters", TARGET
- [rstAct2License]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s\Remote", TARGET
- [rstAct2Macros]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s\Macros", TARGET
- [rstAct2Mail]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s\Mail", TARGET
- [rstAct2Printout]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s\Printout", TARGET
- [rstAct2Queries]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s\Queries", TARGET
- [rstAct2Remote]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s\Remote", TARGET
- [rstAct2Spell]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s\Spell", TARGET
- [rstTarget2]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s", TARGET
- [rstDefault]
- reset = TARGET
- location = "C:\ACT"
- [rstSpell]
- Reset = TARGET2
- Location = "%s\Spell", TARGET
- [rstDatabase]
- reset = TARGET3
- location = "%s\Database", TARGET
- [rstReport]
- Reset = TARGET4
- Location = "%s\Report", TARGET
- [rstShared]
- reset = TARGET5
- location = "c:\Program Files\Symantec"
- [rstLiveUpdate]
- Reset = TARGET6
- Location = "%s\LiveUpdate", TARGET5
- [rstLabel]
- Reset = TARGET4
- Location = "%s\Label", TARGET
- [rstLayout]
- Reset = TARGET8
- Location = "%s\Layout", TARGET
- [rstMail]
- Reset = TARGET9
- Location = "%s\Mail", TARGET
- [rst10IsSystem]
- Reset = TARGET10
- Location = "%s", SYSTEM
- [rstTemplate]
- Reset = TARGET11
- Location = "%s\Template", TARGET
- [rstOldDbf]
- reset = TARGET16
- location = "%s\Database", TARGET
- [rstOldDoc]
- Reset = TARGET17
- Location = "%s\Document", TARGET
- [rstOldTpl]
- Reset = TARGET18
- Location = "%s\Template\oldtpl", TARGET
- [rstOldRep]
- Reset = TARGET19
- Location = "%s\Report\oldrep", TARGET
- [rstFromTpl]
- Reset = TARGET14
- Location = "%s\Template", TARGET
- [rstIniFromTpl]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectChild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Template"
- savepath = TARGET14
- [rstFromRep]
- Reset = TARGET15
- Location = "%s\Report", TARGET
- [rstIniFromRep]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = IsDirectChild
- path = TARGET
- inikey = "Reports"
- savepath = TARGET15
- [rstTarget32]
- Reset = TARGET32
- Location = "%s", TARGET
- [rstAutoUpgrade]
- Reset = TARGET21
- Location = "%s\autorcon", TARGET
- ;********* Registries & INI *********
- [mergeActReg95]
- file = "%s\actreg95.reg", WINDOWS
- [mergeAddRemov]
- file = "%s\addremov.reg", WINDOWS
- [mergeActRegNT]
- file = "%s\actregNT.reg", WINDOWS
- [addWinfaxPhBkLnk]
- IniName = %s\win.ini, WINDOWS
- SectionName = WfxPbLinks
- "ACT! 3.0 Phone Book"="2,%s\ACT.EXE,ActWin3,ActWinPb,Act3PhoneBookClass",TARGET
- [addWinfaxPhSrv]
- IniName = %s\win.ini, WINDOWS
- SectionName = "WfxPbSrv-ACT! 3.0 Phone Book"
- EntireRecord=2
- SearchOn="1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1"
- SortOn="1,1"
- [verWinfaxPhBkLnk]
- IniName = %s\win.ini, WINDOWS
- SectionName = WfxPbLinks
- ACT! 3.0 Phone Book=*
- [verWinFaxInstalled]
- IniName = %s\win.ini, WINDOWS
- SectionName = WinFax
- ExePath=*
- ;******** WIn32s Setup
- [CreateLiveUpdateIni]
- FileSpec = %s\liveupdt.ini, WINDOWS
- rem1 = ";"
- FindRems = 0
- CreateText = "; Created by Symantec ACT! Installer"
- Create = 1
- [IsActInLV]
- IniName = %s\liveupdt.ini, WINDOWS
- SectionName = Act30
- path = *
- [IsUsageEx]
- IniName = %s\liveupdt.ini, WINDOWS
- SectionName = LiveUpdateOptions
- Usage = *
- [LiveUpdateOptions]
- IniName = %s\liveupdt.ini, WINDOWS
- SectionName = LiveUpdateOptions
- LiveUpdateDirectory=%s, SYSTEM
- [Act30]
- IniName = %s\liveupdt.ini, WINDOWS
- SectionName = Act30
- path=%s, TARGET
- [IsFloppy]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = itsFloppy
- path = SOURCE
- [SetUsage]
- IniName = %s\liveupdt.ini, WINDOWS
- SectionName = LiveUpdateOptions
- Usage = 1
- [IncUsage]
- dll = siwact16.dll
- function = incIniValue
- path = TARGET40
- IniName = liveupdt.ini
- SectionName = LiveUpdateOptions
- Key = Usage
- [targetWIN]
- reset = TARGET40
- location = %s, WINDOWS
- [targetHdd]
- reset = TARGET40
- location = %s\..\..\win32s\disk1, SOURCE
- [msInstaller]
- _mssetup.ex_, TARGET40
- mssetup.exe, TARGET40
- [msInstallerFdd]
- a:mssetup.exe
- [promptFor32s]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "Microsoft Win32s is required to run ACT! 3.0 for Windows 3.1."
- " "
- "Your system does not have Microsoft Win32s installed (or an older version is installed)."
- " "
- "Please insert Microsoft Win32s Disk 1, included with this version of ACT!, into the diskette drive."
- " "
- "Click OK to continue."
- ;"Please insert Win32s Setup Disk 1"
- ;"into drive A:\"
- [msgBeginWin32sInstall]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "Microsoft Win32s is required to run ACT! 3.0 for Windows 3.1."
- " "
- "Your system does not have Microsoft Win32s installed (or an older version is installed)."
- " "
- "Microsoft Win32s will now be installed, after which your system will automatically restart."
- " "
- "Click OK to continue."
- [msgShareReboot]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "SHARE.EXE was not found in AUTOEXEC.BAT and was added by the installer."
- " "
- "Your system must be rebooted after Win32s installation completes."
- " "
- "Click OK to continue."
- [msg32sNotFound]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "The Microsoft Win32s files were not found."
- " "
- "Microsoft Win32s is required for this version of ACT! 3.0 for Windows."
- " "
- "Do you want to continue?"
- [msg32sNotFoundOk]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "The Microsoft Win32s files were not found."
- " "
- "Microsoft Win32s is required for this version of ACT! 3.0 for Windows."
- [msgWin32sNote]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "After Win32s installation, your system will automatically restart and the ACT! 3.0 installation will continue."
- " "
- "Please do not interrupt this process."
- "Click OK to continue."
- [msgWin32sNoteFdd]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "After Win32s installation, you will need to start the ACT! 3.0 installation again."
- " "
- "Click OK to continue."
- ;[msgUseOurDisk]
- ;caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- ;"Win32s files not found"
- ;"You must use Win32s Setup Disks"
- ;"supplied with this version of ACT!"
- [win32sInstall]
- "%s\mssetup.exe", TARGET40
- [win32sInstallFdd]
- "a:\mssetup.exe"
- ;[execMsSetup]
- ;dll = siwact16.dll
- ;function = WinExecFile
- ;path = TARGET40
- ;exe = "mssetup.exe"
- [win32sPath]
- caption = "Browse for Win32s Path"
- reset = TARGET40
- DefaultDir = TARGET40
- [CheckShareLine1]
- file = c:\autoexec.bat
- FindItems = ShareSpec1
- [ShareSpec1]
- "*share /l:200 /f:4096*"
- [CheckShareLine2]
- file = c:\autoexec.bat
- FindItems = ShareSpec2
- [ShareSpec2]
- "*share /f:4096 /l:200*"
- [CommentOut]
- FileSpec = c:\autoexec.bat
- FileType = autoexec
- rem1 = "rem"
- FindRems = 0
- CreateText = "; Created by Symantec ACT! Installer"
- Create = 1
- RemItems = RemShareItem
- [RemShareItem]
- *\SHARE*
- [AddShareLine]
- FileSpec = c:\autoexec.bat
- FileType = autoexec
- rem1 = "rem"
- FindRems = 0
- CreateText = "; Created by Symantec ACT! Installer"
- Create = 1
- AddItems = AddShareItem
- [AddShareItem]
- "SHARE /L:200 /F:4096", PutMeAfterThis = AfterPath
- [AfterPath]
- path*
- [RebootTxt]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- "ACT! 3.0 has been successfully installed in your system."
- ""
- "Please reboot your computer to complete"
- "the necessary changes."
- [VShare]
- IniName = system.ini
- SectionName = 386Enh
- device = vshare.386
- ;********* Groups *********
- "ACT! 3.0 for Windows", act30.grp
- "StartUp", startup.grp
- [ACT! 3.0 for Windows]
- "ACT! 3.0", act.exe, Act32
- "ACT! 3.0", actexe.exe, Act16, , , Act.ico, TARGET
- "ReadMe", readme.txt, ActApp
- "Tips for ACT! 2.0 users", act2-3.txt, ActApp
- "Uninstall", setup.exe, Setup, , , , , "/U",
- [StartUp]
- "ACT! Speed Loader", actldr.exe, Act32
- ;********* Copy, Advo, & related Sections *********
- [FileCopy]
- errorcaption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows Setup Error"
- insertcaption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows Setup"
- [Cancel]
- caption = "ACT! 3.0 for Windows"
- text = "Installation is not complete."
- "Are you sure you want to exit?"
- [delClearOurRegKeys]
- .env
- .lbl
- .rep
- .DBF
- .wpa
- .tpl
- .rpt
- ACT!.WP.Template
- ACT!.Report
- ACT!.Envelope.Template
- ACT!.Label.Template
- ACT!.Report.Template
- ACT!.Application
- ACT!.Database
- ActWP.Document
- ActWrite
- ACT!.WP.Template
- [delClearOurIniExts]
- IniName=win.ini
- SectionName=extensions
- env=*
- lbl=*
- rep=*
- tpl=*
- wpa=*
- dbf=*
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;------- *** ACT16Copy *** --------
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [ACT16Copy:CopyDialog]
- caption = "Installing ACT! 3.0 Files..."
- posx = -10
- posy = -10
- [ACT16Copy:Advo]
- posx = 10
- posy = 10
- count = 5
- location = siwact16.dll
- BitmapsOnly = 1
- [ACT16Copy]
- ;Application/System files
- ;*** Application
- copymain.AppSys, "Application/System files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** AppSys
- copysub.ActApp, "Main Application files - %ldK" ;* ActApp
- copysub.ActPTP, "PTP Transport files - %ldK" ;* ActPTP
- copysub.LiveUpdate, "LiveUpdate files - %ldK" ;* LiveUpdate
- copysub.AppFilter, "ACT! Conversion filters - %ldK" ;* AppFilter
- copysub.QTourDbSetup, "Quick Tour/Database Startup Wizard - %ldK" ;* QTourDbSetup
- copysub.Tapi, "ACT! TAPI - %ldK" ;* Tapi
- copymain.AppHelp, "Help files - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;** AppHelp
- ;Word Processor files
- ;*** WordProcessor
- copymain.ActWordProc, "Word Processor files - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;** ActWordProc
- copysub.ActWP, "ACT! Word Processor files - %ldK" ;* ActWP
- copysub.Dictionary, "Dictionary files - %ldK" ;* Dictionary
- copysub.WPFilter, "ACT! WP filters - %ldK" ;* WPFilter
- copysub.WPHelp, "ACT! WP Help files - %ldK" ;* WPHelp
- copymain.ActWPWord, "Word support files - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;** ActWPWord
- copysub.WPWord, "Word support files - %ldK" ;* WPWord
- copysub.WPWordMacro, "Word macros - %ldK" ;* WPWordMacro
- copymain.ActWPWP, "WordPerfect support files - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;** ActWPWP
- copysub.WPWordPerfect, "WordPerfect support files - %ldK" ;* WPWordPerfect
- copysub.WPWPTemplate, "WordPerfect templates - %ldK" ;* WPWPTemplate
- copysub.WPWPMacro, "WordPerfect macros - %ldK" ;* WPWPMacro
- ;Mail
- ;*** Mail
- ;copymain.ActMail, "ACT! Mail - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;** ActMail
- copymain.CServe, "CompuServe files - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;** CServe
- copysub.CServeExe, "Main CompuServe files - %ldK" ;* CServeExe
- copysub.CServeScr, "CompuServe scripts - %ldK" ;* CServeScr
- copymain.ccMail, "ccMail support files - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;** ccMail
- copymain.LotusMail, "Lotus Notes Mail files - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;** LotusMail
- copymain.MSExchange, "MS Exchange support files - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;** MSExchange
- ;ACT! Files
- ;*** ACTFiles
- copymain.ActFile, "ACT! Files - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;*** ACTFiles
- copysub.Calendar, "Calendars - %ldK" ;** Calendar
- copysub.Template, "Templates - %ldK" ;** Template
- copysub.Layout, "Layouts - %ldK" ;** Layout
- copysub.Envelope, "Envelope templates - %ldK" ;** Envelope
- copysub.Label, "Label templates - %ldK" ;** Label
- copysub.DemoDbf, "Demo Database files - %ldK" ;** DemoDbf
- copysub.Report, "Report templates - %ldK" ;** Report
- copysub.ImportMap, "Import Map files - %ldK" ;** ImportMap
- ;Setup/Uninstall files
- ;*** Setup
- copymain.Setup, "Install/Uninstall files - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;*** Setup
- copymain.Act16, "Main executable for Win32s - %ldK", 0,N,N,N ;* Act16
- ;*** Auto Upgrade
- ;copymain.AutoUpgrade, "Auto Upgrade Files - %1dK", 0,N,N,N ;*** AutoUpgrade
- copymain.AUActApp, "Auto Upgrade File - %1dK" ;** AUActapp
- copymain.AUSetup, "Auto Upgrade File - %1dK" ;** AUSetup
- copymain.AULiveUpdate, "Auto Upgrade File - %1dK" ;** AULiveUpdate
- copymain.AUQTourDBSetup, "Auto Upgrade File - %1dK" ;** AUQTourDBSetup
- copymain.AUWPWord, "Auto Upgrade File - %1dK" ;** AUWPWord
- copymain.AUWPWordMacro, "Auto Upgrade File - %1dK" ;** AUWPWordMacro
- copymain.AUAct32, "Auto Upgrade File - %1dK" ;** AUAct32
- copymain.AUActPTP, "Auto Upgrade File - %1dK" ;** AUActPTP
- copymain.AUAppFilter, "Auto Upgrade File - %1dK" ;** AUActFilter
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ;------- *** ACT32Copy *** --------
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [ACT32Copy:CopyDialog]
- caption = "Installing ACT! 3.0 Files..."
- posx = -10
- posy = -10
- [ACT32Copy:Advo]
- posx = 10
- posy = 10
- count = 5
- location = siwact16.dll
- BitmapsOnly = 1
- [ACT32Copy]
- ;Application/System files
- ;*** Application
- copymain.AppSys, "Application/System files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** AppSys
- copysub.ActApp, "Main Application files - %ldK" ;* ActApp
- copysub.ActPTP, "PTP Transport files - %ldK" ;* ActPTP
- copysub.LiveUpdate, "LiveUpdate files - %ldK" ;* LiveUpdate
- copysub.AppFilter, "ACT! Conversion filters - %ldK" ;* AppFilter
- copysub.QTourDbSetup, "Quick Tour/Database Startup Wizard - %ldK" ;* QTourDbSetup
- ;copysub.Tapi, "16-bit Tapi files - %ldK" ;* Tapi
- copymain.AppHelp, "Help files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** AppHelp
- ;Word Processor files
- ;*** WordProcessor
- copymain.ActWordProc, "Word Processor files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** ActWordProc
- copysub.ActWP, "ACT! Word Processor files - %ldK" ;* ActWP
- copysub.Dictionary, "Dictionary files - %ldK" ;* Dictionary
- copysub.WPFilter, "ACT! WP filters - %ldK" ;* WPFilter
- copysub.WPHelp, "ACT! WP Help files - %ldK" ;* WPHelp
- copymain.ActWPWord, "Word support files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** ActWPWord
- copysub.WPWord, "Word support files - %ldK" ;* WPWord
- copysub.WPWordMacro, "Word macros - %ldK" ;* WPWordMacro
- copymain.ActWPWP, "WordPerfect support files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** ActWPWP
- copysub.WPWordPerfect, "WordPerfect support files - %ldK" ;* WPWordPerfect
- copysub.WPWPTemplate, "WodPerfect templates - %ldK" ;* WPWPTemplate
- copysub.WPWPMacro, "WordPerfect macros - %ldK" ;* WPWPMacro
- ;Mail
- ;*** Mail
- ;copymain.ActMail, "ACT! Mail - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** ActMail
- copymain.CServe, "CompuServe files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** CServe
- copysub.CServeExe, "Main CompuServe files - %ldK" ;* CServeExe
- copysub.CServeScr, "CompuServe scripts - %ldK" ;* CServeScr
- copymain.ccMail, "ccMail support files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** ccMail
- copymain.LotusMail, "Lotus Notes Mail files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** LotusMail
- copymain.MSExchange, "MS Exchange support files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;** MSExchange
- ;ACT! Files
- ;*** ACTFiles
- copymain.ActFile, "ACT! Files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;*** ACTFiles
- copysub.Calendar, "Calendars - %ldK" ;** Calendar
- copysub.Template, "Templates - %ldK" ;** Template
- copysub.Layout, "Layouts - %ldK" ;** Layout
- copysub.Envelope, "Envelope templates - %ldK" ;** Envelope
- copysub.Label, "Label templates - %ldK" ;** Label
- copysub.DemoDbf, "Demo Database files - %ldK" ;** DemoDbf
- copysub.Report, "Report templates - %ldK" ;** Report
- copysub.ImportMap, "Import Map files - %ldK" ;** ImportMap
- ;Setup/Uninstall files
- ;*** Setup
- copymain.Setup, "Install/Uninstall files - %ldK", 0,N,Y,Y ;*** Setup
- copymain.Act32, "Main executable for Win32 - %ldK"